Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Little Trimming - Part 3

Note to self:
With some patience,
diligence, and faith,
resolution does come…eventually.

With the help of the City of Tempe, now getting more reliable in their bulk trash pick-up, and Rich’s generous willingness to assist, my Little Trimming project has come to a successful end. Finally. My traveling amoeba of shrubbery was hoisted back over the wall and dragged out to the street for the October pick-up. What sweet sounds were the beeps and booms of the garbage truck zooming around the neighborhood yesterday!

After August’s challenges, my trimming endeavor continued to teach me a couple more important things:

1. New life can indeed sprout no matter how small the stumps. My marriage is saved. New bushes are beginning to grow.

2. I am not alone. My trimming escapade was the subject of numerous neighborhood conversations. Apparently I was not the only one waiting for garbage pick-up. And, the fact that my huge pile suddenly disappeared (over my backyard wall) caused an unsuspected stir, leaving some neighbors wondering “why the heck did they pick up your pile and not mine?” When we explained where our amorphous pile of dead shrubbery was residing, an instant bond of neglected neighborliness formed between us. During the weekend, multiple sibling piles of shrubbery appeared on the curbs in front of neighborhood homes. We have all been eagerly awaiting the timely return of Tempe Waste Management to our cul de sac. If the truck had not come – we were now an army of disgruntled shrub trimmers. But, it did come, our curbs are clean, and a corporate cheer and sigh of relief could be heard far and wide.

 Alleluia! Amen.